Thursday, January 6, 2011

Buyer's Remorse and more Jessica

What do I hate about retail shopping? Buyer's remorse. I didn't feel that once last year; if you're shopping from the thrift and you buys a skirt you end up hating, you are only out $3 and it's no biggie. If I could just turn my brain OFF and not mull over whether or not I should have bought a smaller size...or maybe a bigger size?...maybe a different color?...maybe I don't like it as much as I thought I did. You can see, it can just go on and on.

(Example of my mulling. Love the sweater, but only size left was XS. I'm not an XS. But it fits....but a S or M would be better... But I love it. Aggghhh. Buyer's Remorse!)

I'm trying to let things just "be" - not just with my buyer's remorse, but with many various parts of my life, so I'm trying to just let it be.

Whatever that means, right?

Healthy eating has been fun! My new favorite late-night snack. Air-popped popcorn with mozzarella cheese melted on it. And my new favorite breakfast? Oatmeal with dried fruit and nuts. It really sticks with me and I'm satisfied until my 10:30 apple, then carried over til my 12:00 lunch. I'm trying to get my afternoons on track - 3:30 is about when I fall apart and want a few donuts, but I'm punching through it.


Juliana said...

You need a "Cashew Cookie" at 3:30....I will make you one :)

Jessica said...

yum, that's what I need Juli!

Lindsay said...

I totally relate to this buyer's remorse you speak of! Did I buy the right colour? It fits now, but what if I shrink it? or I love the print and it looks good but not great....but it is only $20! haha My husband always says that if I don't love it, then don't buy it, no matter how cheap it is. He is usually right because I often regret those items I question!!
I guess these are thoughts that I don't have to worry about this year.....

Jessica Boudreau said...

Have you guys tried quinoa yet? It's a great breakfast or healthy replacement for rice or pasta! It's a whole protein all by itself so very good for you! I really love it. I've used it for dinner numerous times and now am in the process of making breakfast! I'll let you know how it turns out! Oh and Juli I would love that cashew cookie recipe!

Cadi said...

Speaking of healthy late night snacks - ours has been air popped popcorn sprinkled with black truffle infused salt - which is TOTALLY affordable at Sheltons. Another popcorn sprinkle: smoked paprika, mmmm.

Jeni Perkins said...

I get those same buyers remorse things running through my brain. Regarding the sweater - I do have to say, if something is uncomfortably small, chances are you won't wear it much. If you love it and it's not uncomfortable, cut the XS tag out & wear it to your hearts content :) (and wash it in cold water & air dry it so it won't shrink!)

Jessica said...

Lindsay - yes, I have the same "sale purchase" problem too. Jessica - I love quinoa, it's so versatile and yummy! Cadi - Okay, I've got to try the black truffle salt...of course it doesn't stick as well without the butter, now does it? Jeni - I wore the sweater today! So I guess it's a keeper - I might keep the tag in it though, makes me feel XS ;-)