Friday, May 28, 2010 Justine

When your sweet 3 year old bats her little eyelashes and asks you very nicely for something not really extravagant but nevertheless NEW, its really hard to resist. I resisted every request for about an hour in Target today. There was the lip gloss, the toys and the coveted princess umbrella. I told her how much trouble I would be in if I bought her a princess umbrella because Anya got an umbrella this year from the Goodwill and I'm pretty sure it didn't have princesses on it. Finally, we headed towards the checkout counter with our consumables. Victorious in our quest for "nothing new". But wait. We have to "just" walk through the dollar section. To be fair, Malia brought her own money and it was burning a hole in her pocket. All my resistance to Phoebe crumbled when she pulled out two pretty, purple, floral scratch pads and proclaimed "I want to buy a present for my Dad! This is what I want to give him. And Kit Bubba too!" Needless to say, Daddy has a new desk accessory. And Kit Bubba, yours is on its way.

1 comment:

Juliana said...

Kit Bubba Loves his present!! Thank you Feebsters!