Monday, July 18, 2011 Jessica

By now, I'm sure you all have seen Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, right? So Zack and I have jumped on the bandwagon and began juicing this morning. He tried to convince me to start last night, but I had some dough that needed to be baked off and you just can't not eat a slice of bread when it comes out warm from the oven.

I know - I'm going to have a tough week.

Game plan? Drink enough juice to keep my blood sugar somewhat level so that I don't start frothing at the mouth in a hypoglycemic frenzy.

I've quit one job, and started another so I wouldn't say this is the IDEAL time to start a juice fast, but - really - WHEN is ever a good time?

If anyone has any tips or advice, please share. I probably won't be posting much as I will most likely be in bed with the covers over my head waiting for it to end.


Anonymous said...

I have found that it's good to make sure you are juicing more veggies than fruit...for your blood sugar and not to have too much at once. Fill a big cup and drink half right away and put the other half in fridge to have a couple hours later at work.

Anonymous said...

nope i have not seen it, hope your new job go's well, are you making your juice or you getting at the store


Milly said...

Way to go Jessica! You guys rock and totally inspired Jesse and I to start juice fasting! We made it through a whopping 2 days over the weekend. I just ordered the Omega 8006 and then we will start again. Going to Cafe Gratitude and Juice Shack 4x a day just ain't practical!

Jessica said...

Thanks for the more veggies than fruit tip - Zack just made me a celery, cauliflower, kale and lemon juice and it was AWFUL. I thought we should have a watermelon, mandarin orange one before bed (dessert?) but he said all the sugar isn't good before bed. Blech. Can't wait to hear how it goes for you Milly!

Becky said...

Beets and carrots is one of my Favorite combinations! If you haven't tried should!

Amanda B. said...

As a fellow hypoglycemic person (I don't know if that's the right wording!), I would be really careful with the juice fast. I don't know how bad yours is, but if your blood sugar gets too low, you can have some serious health risks. Just my .02 :)

Jessica said...

Amanda, thanks for the input - as Zack says I'm self-diagnosed hypoglycemic as that's the word the Troup's use when the hunger grouchiness sets in. Maybe it's not hypoglycemia, but instead just the inability to deal with hunger pains. Don't know, but I will be careful :) Beets aren't my favorite to juice, but I love carrots. My favorite combo (besides all fruit) is carrot, celery, apple and lemon.