Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baked Italian Chicken & Toasted Pine Nut and Sweet Potato Jessica

The month is rapidly coming to an end and I'm trying to get some recipes done! I made Baked Italian Chicken which was super super tasty! Basically a chicken breast smothered with pesto and parmesan cheese then wrapped in prosciutto and baked. We used our special pesto that we received as a gift from Italy (thanks, you know who you are :-) so probably the chicken was extra tasty because of that.

The salad was pretty good...I really liked the dressing, just honey, red wine vinegar and olive oil. The rest of the toppings for the salad; roasted sweet potato, roasted tomatoes and avocado all have the same texture so it was kind of blah biting into the same mushiness with every bite. The pine nuts helped and I'm not saying it was a BAD just was kind of strange.

Afterwards we all felt content and silly and took some pictures:

Who else thinks Zack (in the goofy pic) looks like Mr. Incredible?


Juliana said...

Ooh you all look so cozy...i think I need to get cozy now...with my hairy child.

Justine said...

Which one is the goofy pic? ha ha

Juliana said...

No, I don't mean Kit....