Monday, May 24, 2010 Justine

Sometimes I really want to quit. Like yesterday when I strolled through Wal-Mart (my first mistake). I was going to give in and buy Phoebe a kiddie watercoloring book. (Oh yeah. That was my first mistake) So, of course I had to walk past all the toys. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted something I know the girls would love. The day before Malia had been patiently trying to teach Phoebe how to catch a baseball. As you might assume, it was frustrating to both of them. So when I saw this tiny, velcro mitt I was really tempted. They'd probably just play with it once anyway, right?

Still looking for a paint book I walked longingly past the crafts and spotted this one...With summer was tempting....

And by the way, I didn't even buy a paint book. Apparently there is no such thing anymore. I could print out some pictures from the internet I suppose....

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Summer is going to be tough. Ian just asked me what projects we're going to do. Ugh.
7 months, 1 week, 1 day left. We can do it :-)