Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The salad that wasn't meant to Jessica

Yesterday's salad was a Lemon Artichoke Salad.
Everything went wrong.
I bought crowns instead of hearts.
I dropped the jar in the grocery store and it opened up in my grocery bag and leaked everywhere.
I forgot my list inside my re-usable shopping bags inside my car so I forgot feta cheese. Tried to pull it off and put blue cheese on the salad and the combination of blue cheese and artichoke hearts was slightly vomit-y.
My BBQ ran out of propane so I wasn't able to grill the zucchini. Put them on a pan with some olive oil and the olive oil dripped into the oven and started spewing black smoke.
I don't even have a picture to show to you all. But it was a mess. trust.
Artichokes do make a good conversation piece though. "Mom, why do they call them artichokes?" "Because once a long time ago, a man named Arty ate one and choked on it."
We also once saw Anya eat an entire artichoke leaf....spiky end and all.
We are now tempted to call them Anyachokes, but refrain.


Juliana said...

Bummer! Sounds like the odds were against you on that one!

threebodes said...

So are you going to try the recipe again when all the planets are aligned and all the elements are in your favor? ( it)

Jessica said...

Even with the feta cheese I don't think it would be that memorable. It was just never meant to be :-)
And yeah, doesn't anyachokes almost sound better than artichokes???