Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dreams...by Jessica

I had one of those dreams last night that are so real you wake up and are not quite sure if it happened or not.

I had to immediately run upstairs to look at Anya and make sure she was fine.

I gave her extra kisses today and held her a little tighter. Those kids. They drive me crazy but when it comes down to it, they really are my best little bundles of joy.

{that doesn't sound like me and I struggled for the right words for that; "bundles" makes them sound like babies. They drive me crazy, but I love 'em. That's more like me}.





Off I go on a date with my little blue friend for that little dream episode will surely send me on a fresh bout of insomnia.


jboudreau said...

These pics are so sweet Jessica! I can't get over how grownup Anya is looking! Can't wait to see you both :)
No no baby yet :)
-Jessica Boudreau

Jessica said...

Hi Jess, I just saw Patty; she updated me on no baby news. Hang in there!

jbbode said...

You're becoming a pro on that camera Jes!