Monday, September 10, 2012

What do you think? Jessica

I was a little alarmed when I went to look at my tomatoes (that I've been neglecting) and I noticed that some of the tomatoes are being eaten by something.  It creeped me out imagining some little critter chomping down on them.  What do you think they're being eaten by?  Snails?  Possums?  Raccoons?  Cats?  I had an earlier situation with some snails, but could they do that much damage to a tomato?  Help me figure it out!!!


Anonymous said...

well the kids do need a quick afternoon snack after maybe they're just taking a nibble here and there?

K, so seriously though I'll ask around and look at my western gardner boook for you;-)

Becky said...

Possum!That's my guess... because that is how our apples look!

Mirjam de Rijk said...

Looks to me like the work of snails...

Anona said...

Tomato worms?

Jessica said...

ha ha ha, you guys are a great help - we've got KIDS, SNAILS, POSSUM and TOMATO WORMS. That narrows it down :)

Jessica said...


Unknown said...

Could be a cute little bunny? Have you tried sprinkling cayenne pepper around the plants? Most animals (except birds) will eventually stop coming around because the pepper gets on their hands/feet and then it ends up in their mouths, nose, eyes and they don't like that.

I've also heard human hair works, but that sounds kinda creepy.

charityc said...

I say RATS too! We had the same problem here:/....they like to burrow under raised garden beds and come out and eat at night! Yuk!! We thought we got rud of em until yesterday i discovered another!

Jessica said...

Okay, here's the plan. Cayenne pepper sprinkled around the plants, a big old tangle of my hair thrown next to the cayenne and when Mikey gives Kit the rat traps for me, I'll have those put near the cayenne crusted ball of hair. Sound like a plan?

I do have to add that after Mikey told me that they're attracted to the ripe fruit and to be sure to pick them when they're ripe I did that and there was one tomato that was halfway laying on the ground and when I picked it up there were about 15-20 teeny tiny little snails stuck on it. Tiny, like the size of a rice grain. No, smaller than that. Like a weight lifting poppy seed.

Anonymous said...

I know human hair works to keep deer away, but sorry sis -it has to be male hair cause us girls use too many smelly products in our & theirs get lopped off way more often anyways so less build up and more access to hair more often. It would be gross if it's mice. Let's imagine it's those pesky snails!

Bobby Thomas said...

hm i will get a CSI team out there
i say it a dog